Packaging records - Setup
To ensure the functioning of the add-on module Pack Tracking Basic, it is necessary to perform the necessary setup steps.
Establish a Packaging Statement
The necessary number of different Packaging Statements can be created in the system. Choose the icon, enter Packing Statements and then choose the related link.
If you are going to import the provided EKO-KOM parameterization files, you must create a Packaging Report with the code EKO-KOM.
Parameterization of the EKO-KOM Packaging Report
The add-on module Pack Tracking is supplied with excel files ekokom_def.xlsx and ekokom.xlsx containing the parameterization for EKO-KOM Packaging Statements.
The parameterisation files can be uploaded to the system using the RapidStart Service.<s
Packing Statement Element Definition
For each created report, it is necessary to define its elements. Choose the icon, enter Packing Statement Element Def. and then choose the related link.
Elements in the report can be grouped into positions on the report. A total of 10 positions can be defined (grouping of elements). Elements within a position are further assigned a code.
Packing Statement Element Definition form fields:
Field | Description |
Statement Code | The report code created in the previous step |
Position | User-specified group of schedule elements |
Code | Element code within a position |
Description | Description of the schedule element |
Statement Placement | Text descriptive information |
For example, you can create a table with the following values:
Reporting code | Position | Code | Description |
EKO-KOM | P1 | 1 | Single-use packaging |
EKO-KOM | P1 | 2 | Reusable packaging |
EKO-KOM | P2 | 1 | Charged |
EKO-KOM | P2 | 2 | Prepaid |
EKO-KOM | P2 | 3 | Unpaid |
Creating Elements in a Packing Statements (Defining a Custom Statement)
Definice vlastního výkazu se provádí založením prvků Výkazu obalů. Choose the icon, enter ** Packing Statement Elements** and then choose the related link. In the form, individual statement lines are defined by selecting from previously defined elements for each statement position. The Description field is then added by the system depending on the field on the Packing Statement Element Definitionpage.
For example Packing Statement Elements page might look like this:
Reporting code | Code | Description |
EKO-KOM | 13 | Single-use packaging free of charge |
Creating exceptions in the Packaging Statements
In each Packaging Statement that you create, you can define exceptions, specified by the status of the lines in the Item journal, that will not be included in the report. Choose the **Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature.Packing Stat. El. Exceptions and then choose the related link. The exception is defined by the data entered in the Movement Type, Field no., Field Value and Position fields (in the report). You must also specify the Element Code to create an exception.