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Computer viruses. Do they still exist?

Do you remember them? Michelangelo, Tremor, Melissa, Iloveyou, Nimda...

Published since: 12. 03. 2025

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All of them are malicious codes from times, when they still got names. Later, there was so many of them, that they only got a numeric code and they would have to get name for some unique achievement. But are they still here? I remember time, when problem of so called antivirus software was his signature database and his speed in searching files. Most of the malicious codes at the time, wheter they were viruses, trojan horses or worms, they were from today's perspective rather harmless programming toys. First virus, with which I experimented on (I tried to "dissect" it's code) was a variant of Yankee Doodle, which in specific time always played a melody. And that's how it was with most of the malicious codes, which spread and afterwards made fun of you. Do they even exist nowadays? I think, they evolutionary went "extinct".

To their "extinction" lead several changes in technologies and their utilization.

On one hand has changed motivation of programmers - it used to be quite easy, but today it is possible to use code to financial gains. Cybercriminals create high demand for codes, which can surpass security measures, which can undetectably gain access, undetectably gain data or just cause destruction (even data encryption is destruction, if we do not possess decryption key). And so, almost exclusively, are created malicious codes, motivated by criminal acts (of course if we leave it at espionage and cyber security war). Cybercrime is today's enormous crime and I even somewhere read, that it represents third biggest economy of the world, right after USA and China. Codes used to be created by "lone wolfs", but today on their creation work whole programming teams paid by cybercrime.

Technological changes lead to a point, where "simple" codes don't have a chance to stand against security systems, therefore can't even spread. Security systems lead endless fight against malicious codes, which lead to their perfection so much, that an individual almost can't write a code, which would deceive them. Besides, schemes of cybercrime attacks are still more advanced and spread to more phases. Today, my favourite Yankee Doodle would not succeed.

Nevertheless, same as today we can find fossiles or egyptologists find forgotten tombs, even here can be found a relic from the begginings of computer times. Theoretically, they can be hidden in old archive files or surviving in old never-patched systems(and yes, they still exist). By the way, there is a hearsay that through the internet roam worms like Slammer (from 2003 and lastly has been shown in 2016, thanks to un-patched SQL databases) or ConFicker (from 2008).

Even though you propably won't meet these old codes again...

...question is... If It's right or wrong, because they were exchanged by different "masters" and it is still necessary to protect oneself against malicious codes. And thats why are current codes about something else. They are about cybercrime and enormous damages, which can make big changes.

So if you don't know, what security strategy against malicious codes choose, what security technology choose, so it would meet your demands, you can turn to Aricoma. We will help you anytime you need :)


Foto autora, Luděk Mandok

Luděk Mandok

Senior Security Consultant


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