We offer a wide portfolio of solutions and services in the field of information technology. Our customers include companies and organizations from all key market sectors. We can take care of your technology needs, whether you are a strong international player, a medium-sized company or, for example, a small enterprise. Take a look at our customer references.
Industry and Manufacturing
Our traditional customers include companies from the automotive, machinery engineering, food, construction, metallurgy, and electrical engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical and mining industries.
Banks and Insurance Companies
We offer IT services to support the business of companies focused on banking and other financial services, including investments and insurance.
Power Engineering and Utilities
We provide services to organisations involved in the production and distribution of electricity, gas or heat, water supply and waste and remediation activities.
Trade and Services
We have a long history of supplying organizations focused on wholesale and retail, legal and consulting services, tourism, hotels, real estate and other types of services.
Transport and Logistics
We also supply IT solutions and services to organisations operating in the road, rail and air transport sectors, as well as companies providing warehousing and other distribution and logistics services.
Healthcare and Social Care
Our customers are university and district hospitals, spas, pharmacies and other organizations providing healthcare and social care.
Public Administration
We provide quality IT services and digital solutions both to the central state administration and, due to our geographic coverage, to local governments, i.e. regions, towns, municipalities and all organizations that have been established by them.
Education, Science
Our traditional customers include colleges and universities, secondary and primary schools. In addition, we also work in various scientific or research institutes.
Media and Communication
We serve telecommunications companies and mobile operators, TV and radio stations, print and online media, publishers and production companies, as well as PR and advertising agencies.