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Sitecore audit

Would you like to get the maximum from your installation of Sitecore? Test your digital ecosystem and take the effectivnesss of your brand's digital presence to the next level. aricoma avatar

Key points, which audit will help you reveal

Companies often look for a way, how to get the maximum from their Sitecore implemantation especially in these areas:
  • Optimalization of performance of platform and its acceleration.
  • Securing safety of data.
  • Clear and sustainable source code.
  • Clear information architecture of web applications.
  • Effective marketing automatization.
  • Using personalized content or its easier management.
  • Effective use of analytical programs.
Develop your platform effectively and get to the top of the market thanks to solution, which your digital ecosystem elevates to a completely new level.

,,Audit often reveals useless duplicities, for example situations, when you manage the same content on many places, instead of one effectively centralized"

Petr Míka

account manager

Audit Sitecore is focused on these important sections:

Maximalization on return of investment (ROI)
Audit identifies unused potencial of platform and helps to maximalize its value.

Optimalization of processes and content management
It identifies duplicities and offers possible effectivity of workflow or improvement of content management, which leads to increased effectivity of team who is respobsible for content management or marketing.

Performance and scalability
Reveales elements, which slow system and offers specific steps to improve performance and readiness for growth.

Security and safety of data
It identifies security risiques of your implementation and prepares possible solutions for their removal. Ensures protection of data in compliance with standards.

Personalization and user experience
It evaluates effectivity and will check settings of content personalization for increased interaction with customers.

Technological upgrades
Audit will verify, if your implementations corresponds to newest versions and recommended steps of Sitecore.

System architecture analysis
It will verify the state of your infrastracture, databases and configurations, including offers on their possible optimalization.

Solutions of hidden problems
It identifies problems, which can be overlooked. It verifies errors in log files or reveals hard-coded parts of your web applications.

Prepare for future
Audit will offer recommendations for development of platforms, development of functionalities or scaling your implementations.

Competetive advantage
Regular audit finds out, if your DXP platform will stay on the top and enables you to better react to the needs of customers and market.

Obstacles in using advanced capabilities of Sitecore

Technological obstacles:

  • Insufficient platform knowledge and insufficient experiences with functions.
  • Wrong implementation and ineffectively build content management or architecure of system.
  • Old or suboptimal instances (using old versions of Sitecore, which are no longer supported).
  • Insufficient integration level with other systems (better connection with CRM, ERP, PIM or other systems can increase effectivity of your processes).
  User obstacles:
  • Missing stretegies of content life-cycle, absance of clearly defined vision in a digital enviroment.
  • Insufficient functionality adoption of system among users.
  • Insufficient training of users for more effective creation and management of content.
Content obstacles:
  • Ineffective management of media happens, when is your media library unclear or contains too many duplicate items.
  • Ineffective personalization results from poorly set personalized strategies, rules or corresponding settings of analytical programs.

Analytical problems:
  • Bad quality of tracked metrics contains inconsistent, incomplete or incorrect data, which prevents effective personalization and communication.
  • Missing connection of data sources happens in result of seperated systems without access to relevant data, for example with absance of integration with CRM or third party analytical program.

Investment to audit means not only optimalization of processes and performance, but also competetive advantage

Are you interested, if your Sitecore is really working on the maximum? Thanks to audit you will find out unused opportunities, find places, how and where to optimalize performance of platforms and how to improve safety and prepare your platform for future.

For who is the audit suitable?

Audit Sitecore is ideal for companies, who found them selves in one of these situations:

Using Sitecore several years without essential revision.
After some time problems can accumulate - ineffective processes, old configurations or unnecessary content. Audit will help you map current state, identify weak points and offer updates corresponding to modern technological standards and also your business objectives.

Do you have a feeling that your platform potential is unfulfilled?
If your implemenation stays on a level of basic functions of CMS, you are missing key benefits, as is personalization, marketing automatization and advanced analytics. Audit reveals hidden opportunities and shows, how to effectively and more strategically use possibilities of Sitecore.

Do you want to increase effectivity of content management, security and performance of Sitecore?
Duplicities in content, unsuitable architectural results, difficult workflow or wrongly proposed infrastracture can hinder your growth. Audit will bring you a clear plan, how to remove the obstacles, and ensure clean, effective and secure performance of the whole platform.

When is the right time for audit of Sitecore?

  • When you grow: Do you plan to scale your content or start new campaigns and earn higher attendance: audit will show you, if your implementation is ready for this change.

  • Changing team composition: New team or strategy often require adaptation to platform. Audit helps to identify needed changes.

  • When facing new problems: Slower loading of pages, decrease in searches, security risiques or demanding management of content can be a signal, that audit is necessary.

Audit is an investment to future. It helps not only to solve current problems, but also prepare for challenges, which come with the growth of company and technological changes.

Consult with us your current state of Sitecore

We will find out, where your Sitecore is loosing performance, and we will propose several steps for its optimalisation. Together we will remove insufficiencies, we will increase effectivity and ensure readiness for future challenges.
  • We will deliver expertise.
  • We will indentify opportunities.
  • We will prepare your Sitecore ecosystem for future challenges.


Why choose us for your Sitecore audit?

  • Our experience: We have a number of global projects, awards for innovations (Sitecore Experience Awards) and many successful implementations and references.
  • Professionality in optimalization and customizing Sitecore individually for every company.
  • Individual approach to solving problems and offering specific upgrades.

Companies, which we help grow with Sitecore


For Linet we created Sitecore ecosystem, which improved UX and effectivity of content management on global markets. We implemented:

  • Global web portal for many market.
  • Extranet for communication with partners.
  • Sales Hub in form of web and mobile application for presentation of products on fairs and sales meetings.


For the world leader in cash management, the Loomis company, we created web ecosystem for 18 countries, which reflects local needs.

  • Separated content with support of multiple language variations.
  • Integration of Salesforce and other systems for getting leads.
  • Marketing automatization and segmentation of users for personalized content.

Web ecosystem build on Sitecore Experience Platform enables you to centralize content managment and consistently communicate across markets.


For innogy ČR we manage digital ecosystem supporting digitalization. Portals, microsites, self-service and application we connect with CRM and ERP.

The result is comfortable access of innogy users to informations and documents and effective decrease of burden to innogy back-office. Our solution even earned award - Sitecore Experience Awards.



Fill out the form to get an initial consultation with our Sitecore specialists for your Sitecore project.

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